Curation by oatmeal 9 months, 3 weeks ago for query digital humanities
Original results
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Digital Humanities Slack
The Digital Humanities Slack is a set of informal, connected chat rooms for the digital humanities and related interests, with over 50 "channels" (chat r…
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Digital Humanities Research Institute
Use this form to sign up for more information from the DHRI. We promise to not send many updates but will keep the volume low. We'll never share your ema…
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#DHH16: Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2016
Background This course aims to bring together students and researchers of humanities, social sciences and computer science, for a week of active co-opera…
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Minimal Digital Humanities | MLA 2017
In imagining the user experience of the digital humanities – even in the contemporary era of ubiquitous computing, mobile devices, and smart objects – the…
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Office of Digital Humanities | The National Endowment for the Hu…
To best tackle the broad, interdisciplinary questions that arise when studying digital technology, ODH works closely with the scholarly community and othe…
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Daedalus: Projects in Digital Humanities
Jeff Rydberg-Cox, The University of Missouri-Kansas City This site is an evolving host for my projects in the digital humanities that are currently in pr…
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#HackFSM API | Digital Humanities
The Library will provide access to a read-only API using an instance of Apache Solr that has indexed the content and/or metadata of the digital objects; A…
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Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities | University of Exeter
At Exeter, we integrate digital methods and practices into the heart of our research. We are fascinated by the interdisciplinary opportunities and divers…
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Digital Humanities Minor - ANU
Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study located at the intersection of humanities scholarship and computational technologies. Its key pu…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Reading Potential: The Oulipo…
Reading Potential: The Oulipo and the Meaning of Algorithms Abstract Recent efforts to reconceptualize text analysis with computers in order to broaden t…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Mining for the Meanings of a …
Abstract Digital humanities research that requires the digitization of medium-scale, project-specific texts confronts a significant methodological and pr…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Building A Volunteer Communit…
This paper contributes to the literature examining the burgeoning field of academic crowdsourcing, by analysing the results of the crowdsourced manuscript…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Crafting in …
Abstract This paper analyzes the design space for crafting systems within games. A crafting system is the collection of game mechanics which enable a pla…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: The Kuzushiji Project: Develo…
Learning how to read kuzushiji is the most important skill for studying the history of pre-modern Japan and classical Japanese literature. However, the di…
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Mellon Foundation Graduate Program in the Digital Humanities – U…
The Andrew W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship WHO WE ARE The Andrew W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship trains graduate students in the humaniti…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Jerz. Somewhere Nearby is Co…
Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original “Adventure” in Code and in Kentucky Abstract Because so little primary historical w…
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— Digital Humanities Australasia 2018
Mahendra will give a brief overview of digital collections and data being made available through British Library Labs (BL Labs) and examine how some of th…
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Introducing Digital Humanities Now – Dan Cohen
Do the digital humanities need journals? Although I’m very supportive of the new journals that have launched in the last year, and although I plan to writ…
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Digital Humanities Research Institute - Curriculum Website
You may also see your username to the left of the command prompt $ . Let’s try our first command. Type the following and press enter on your keyboard: $ w…
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Stanford Digital Projects...
The fields of digital humanities and computational social sciences have ballooned in recent years. Emergent technologies and scholars’ increasing fluency…
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SOFTWARE FOR DIGITAL HUMANITIES We have developed a number software tools for working with big image and video collections, including preparing image dat…
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Debates in the Digital Humanities — University of Minnesota Press
Share Debates in the Digital Humanities Leading figures in the digital humanities explore the field’s rapid revolution Debates in the Digital Humanities …
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Our commitment to the digital humanities – Google AI Blog
Our commitment to the digital humanities It can’t have been very long after people started writing that they started to organize and comment on what was …
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NEW SAVANNA: HD7: Digital Humanities Sandbox Goes to the Congo
Note: This version of the post has been revised from an earlier version in which I suggested that the distribution in the first chart followed a power law…
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Digital Humanities Sessions at the 2012 MLA Conference in Seattl…
This is a comprehensive list of digital humanities sessions scheduled for the 2012 Modern Language Association Conference in Seattle, Washington. The 2012…
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Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants | National Endowment for the …
The deadline for this program has passed. Updated guidelines will be posted in advance of the next deadline. In the meantime, please use these guidelines …
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Melissa Terras' Blog: On Making, Use and Reuse in Digital Humani…
Adventures in Digital Humanities and digital cultural heritage. Plus some musings on academia. Friday, 23 March 2012 On Making, Use and Reuse in Digital H…
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Melissa Terras' Blog: Male, Mad and Muddleheaded: Academics in C…
Adventures in Digital Humanities and digital cultural heritage. Plus some musings on academia. Wednesday, 5 February 2014 Male, Mad and Muddleheaded: Acad…
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Submissions/Wikipedia Translation and Transnational Scholarship …
Scholars in the digital humanities have written about the communal consequences of male-dominant authorship on Wikipedia (Davidson, 2009), about the lack…
New results
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Digital Humanities Slack
The Digital Humanities Slack is a set of informal, connected chat rooms for the digital humanities and related interests, with over 50 "channels" (chat r…
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Digital Humanities Research Institute
Use this form to sign up for more information from the DHRI. We promise to not send many updates but will keep the volume low. We'll never share your ema…
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#DHH16: Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2016
Background This course aims to bring together students and researchers of humanities, social sciences and computer science, for a week of active co-opera…
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Minimal Digital Humanities | MLA 2017
In imagining the user experience of the digital humanities – even in the contemporary era of ubiquitous computing, mobile devices, and smart objects – the…
- — found via Mwmbl
Office of Digital Humanities | The National Endowment for the Hu…
To best tackle the broad, interdisciplinary questions that arise when studying digital technology, ODH works closely with the scholarly community and othe…
- — found via Mwmbl
Daedalus: Projects in Digital Humanities
Jeff Rydberg-Cox, The University of Missouri-Kansas City This site is an evolving host for my projects in the digital humanities that are currently in pr…
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#HackFSM API | Digital Humanities
The Library will provide access to a read-only API using an instance of Apache Solr that has indexed the content and/or metadata of the digital objects; A…
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Digital Humanities | Digital Humanities | University of Exeter
At Exeter, we integrate digital methods and practices into the heart of our research. We are fascinated by the interdisciplinary opportunities and divers…
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Digital Humanities Minor - ANU
Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study located at the intersection of humanities scholarship and computational technologies. Its key pu…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Reading Potential: The Oulipo…
Reading Potential: The Oulipo and the Meaning of Algorithms Abstract Recent efforts to reconceptualize text analysis with computers in order to broaden t…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Mining for the Meanings of a …
Abstract Digital humanities research that requires the digitization of medium-scale, project-specific texts confronts a significant methodological and pr…
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DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Building A Volunteer Communit…
This paper contributes to the literature examining the burgeoning field of academic crowdsourcing, by analysing the results of the crowdsourced manuscript…
- — found via Mwmbl
DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Crafting in …
Abstract This paper analyzes the design space for crafting systems within games. A crafting system is the collection of game mechanics which enable a pla…
- — found via Mwmbl
DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: The Kuzushiji Project: Develo…
Learning how to read kuzushiji is the most important skill for studying the history of pre-modern Japan and classical Japanese literature. However, the di…
- — found via Mwmbl
Mellon Foundation Graduate Program in the Digital Humanities – U…
The Andrew W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship WHO WE ARE The Andrew W. Mellon Digital Humanities Fellowship trains graduate students in the humaniti…
- — found via Mwmbl
DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly: Jerz. Somewhere Nearby is Co…
Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original “Adventure” in Code and in Kentucky Abstract Because so little primary historical w…
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— Digital Humanities Australasia 2018
Mahendra will give a brief overview of digital collections and data being made available through British Library Labs (BL Labs) and examine how some of th…
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Introducing Digital Humanities Now – Dan Cohen
Do the digital humanities need journals? Although I’m very supportive of the new journals that have launched in the last year, and although I plan to writ…
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Digital Humanities Research Institute - Curriculum Website
You may also see your username to the left of the command prompt $ . Let’s try our first command. Type the following and press enter on your keyboard: $ w…
- — found via Mwmbl
Stanford Digital Projects...
The fields of digital humanities and computational social sciences have ballooned in recent years. Emergent technologies and scholars’ increasing fluency…
- — found via Mwmbl
SOFTWARE FOR DIGITAL HUMANITIES We have developed a number software tools for working with big image and video collections, including preparing image dat…
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Debates in the Digital Humanities — University of Minnesota Press
Share Debates in the Digital Humanities Leading figures in the digital humanities explore the field’s rapid revolution Debates in the Digital Humanities …
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Our commitment to the digital humanities – Google AI Blog
Our commitment to the digital humanities It can’t have been very long after people started writing that they started to organize and comment on what was …
- — found via Mwmbl
NEW SAVANNA: HD7: Digital Humanities Sandbox Goes to the Congo
Note: This version of the post has been revised from an earlier version in which I suggested that the distribution in the first chart followed a power law…
- — found via Mwmbl
Digital Humanities Sessions at the 2012 MLA Conference in Seattl…
This is a comprehensive list of digital humanities sessions scheduled for the 2012 Modern Language Association Conference in Seattle, Washington. The 2012…
- — found via Mwmbl
Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants | National Endowment for the …
The deadline for this program has passed. Updated guidelines will be posted in advance of the next deadline. In the meantime, please use these guidelines …
- — found via Mwmbl
Melissa Terras' Blog: On Making, Use and Reuse in Digital Humani…
Adventures in Digital Humanities and digital cultural heritage. Plus some musings on academia. Friday, 23 March 2012 On Making, Use and Reuse in Digital H…
- — found via Mwmbl
Melissa Terras' Blog: Male, Mad and Muddleheaded: Academics in C…
Adventures in Digital Humanities and digital cultural heritage. Plus some musings on academia. Wednesday, 5 February 2014 Male, Mad and Muddleheaded: Acad…
- — found via Mwmbl
Submissions/Wikipedia Translation and Transnational Scholarship …
Scholars in the digital humanities have written about the communal consequences of male-dominant authorship on Wikipedia (Davidson, 2009), about the lack…