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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushkegowuk_Council — found via Wikipedia
Mushkegowuk Council
syllabics. Mushkegowuk Council (pointed: ᐅᒪᐡᑫᑯ ᐅᑭᒫᐎᐎᐣ (omashkeko okimāwiwin); unpointed: ᐅᒪᐡᑫᑯ ᐅᑭᒪᐎᐎᐣ), or officially as the Mushkegowuk Tribal Council, is a
https://www.mushkegowuk.ca/ — found via User
Muskegowuk Council | Omushkego | Omushkegowuk
MUSHKEGOWUK COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT We respond to, and carry out, the collective will of the Omushkego Nation. We foster and provide accountable, respon…
https://www.cbc.ca/1.6575246 — found via Mwmbl
Mushkegowuk Council declares state of emergency due to nursing s…
Linklater has previously worked as a nurse and later took on an advisory role, advocating for mental-health care services in her community. She said inad…
https://parks.canada.ca/amnc-nmca/cnamnc-cnnmca/jamesouest-westernjames — found via Mwmbl
Western Weeneebeg (James Bay) and southwestern Washabeyoh (Hudso…
Great news! The Mushkegowuk Council and the Government of Canada announced the completion of the feasibility assessment for the proposed new national mar…
https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/government-of-canada-and-mushkegowuk-council-working-together-to-protect-western-james-bay-814769903.html — found via Mwmbl
Government of Canada and Mushkegowuk Council working together to…
Share this article Memorandum of Understanding signed to launch a feasibility assessment for a proposed National Marine Conservation Area in western Jame…