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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reality_television_show_franchises_(H–Z) — found via Wikipedia
List of reality television show franchises (H–Z)
Ruud Hermans Season 3, 2020: Henny Thijssen Season 4, 2021: Phil Bee Geer & Goor (duo, 1) Marco Borsato (1–2) Ilse DeLange (1–4) Angela Groothuizen (1–4)
http://haberarts.com/geogoo.htm — found via Mwmbl
Haber's Art Reviews: Richard Tsao, Petah Coyne, and Robert Ryman
Actually, my own hope is that a less qualified acceptance of the importance of sheerly abstract or formal factors in pictorial art will open the way to a …